3D rendering of stocked shelf, iPhone, and shopping cart

Source Retail Shopping Data Directly From Consumers

Our Storewards app helps market research companies obtain transactional retail shopping data.

Storewards is a robust solution for measuring volumetric sales data for retail and CPG market share or running a consumer panel.


Crowdsourced icon

Crowdsourced workforce recruitment, management, fulfillment of rewards, and fraud mitigation.

Timer icon

Passive Capture
Online purchases captured passively from the inbox

Real-time data icon

Real-Time Data
Near real-time full basket transactional data delivered daily

3D rendering of storefront
Brick and mortar icon
Brick and Mortar

Brick and mortar purchases are tracked using receipt capture and Ourcart receipt processing technology.


How It Works

Storewards can be strategically deployed to target specific retailers, consumers, and regions.

Storewards can be strategically deployed to target specific retailers, consumers, and regions.

Receipt icon

Collect Receipts
Users are encouraged to collect as many receipts as they can from the approved retailers in the target country and region.

Money icon

Earn Coins
Users earn coins for each valid receipt they snap. Users can convert coins to a variety of cash out options available in the target country.

Upload icon

Process Receipts
Uploaded receipts are processed using our proprietary receipt processing technology.

Time icon

Daily Updates
Complete transactional data, including all of the receipt information, is delivered daily.

3D rendering of pin in map

Retail Measurement

Storewards can be used to collect sales data from specific retailers nationwide, regionally, or down to the individual address level. 

Consumer Panel

Storewards lets you set up a mobile receipt capture panel quickly and easily by leveraging our turnkey, white-label app and receipt interpretation technology.

Rendering of 8 people. Seven are grey and one stands out as blue.

Here’s What Leading Market Research Firms Have to Say About Storewards:


Adita Sinha, Global Head of Consumer Source Data Acquisition at NielsenIQ

“We needed an app-based platform to facilitate the panelist participation for our receipt-based consumer panel. Ourcart managers to migrate the entire panel to Storewards in a matter of days and has been an essential partner in helping us achieve our objectives.”


Nithinart Athikhomkulchai, Executive Director at NielsenIQ
“We have been working with Ourcart for the past few years in the Philippines, with their Storewards solution. They have provided us with valuable information which has been integrated into our reports and insights. It has been great working with the team at Ourcart.”


Oleg Ivanov, Data Acquisition Leader for Europe at NielsenIQ
"NielsenIQ has enjoyed partnerships with vendors such as Ourcart, that share our goal of meeting consumer needs in a fast-changing market.”